Generating leads in crypto is one of the toughest mountains to climb in Lead Generation industry. Whereas, rest of the verticals like dating, e-com , sweeps etc can be simply run by many marketers. Cryptocurrency is something which required deep set of skills.
Most of the major platforms have banned or implemented so many guidelines, which has made running crypto ads impossible in most of the cases.
Marketers lose ad accounts very frequently and end up losing all the money added in the platforms.
How on Earth can we run Crypto Ads in this environment ?
There are some ways in which running crypto ads is possible.
Simple ways of running is to go to SSP ( Self-Serve Platforms ).

1. Where you can create your own ad account in the advertiser section.
2. Upload the Funds.
3. Create Media Kits ( Banners , Descriptions , Links ).
4. Do the integration ( S2S, API ). 5. Select the Audience.
6. Choose Ad Formats.
7. Select the countries which you want to run.
8. And Run the campaign.
You need to create multiple campaigns to see which campaign is performing better than the order. It will help you to generate better traffic with lower investments.
Email Marketing wont work here if you go direct.

Most of the Email Servers which is used to blast the marketing materials to bulk blocks the content with cryptocurrency word in it.
On the other hand, Newsletters works fine if the user has sign up for GDPR Policies and have given consent to receive promotional emails.
But not in your case, as you generally will end up buying the leads from a vendor or third-party. Whenever you will use bulk email list. Your content will be banned 100%.
Here, you can use clickbait or news article which uses redirections. So, whenever a user will click on the link it will take them to a different path.
So, you can transfer the user to your desired landing page and generate leads from there.
Can we use Social Media to run Cryptocurrency Ads ?

The answer is NO.
You cannot run cryptocurrency ads on any social media platform. Weather its Facebook , Instagram , Linkedin, Twitter , Pintrest , Reddit or any other. You can post content on these platforms about your Exchange or Brokerage but cannot run Paid Ads here due to its guidelines.
99% of the times, these platforms blocks your accounts and you end up losing all the money you have.
How can we generate Crypto leads with such heavy guidelines ?
The answer is pretty simple. Learn Blackhat.
Blackhat is a names blackhat as it uses " Google Illegal Techniques " to rank a page in google search or to run ads which are not approved by any media platforms. We marketers use Blackhat extensively to generate leads and FTDs for our clients. It is something which you cannot learn from one article, it's a full course which requires time and practice to perfect it.
Once, you learn how its done. You can run pretty much any vertical and product on the internet to any platform.
Marketers and Exchanges generally make a mistake by thinking if you can run forex ads in any platforms , you can also run crypto campaign but that's not the case here.
Forex is generally accepted by all the countries and platforms as it has all the details given to the government and social or search platforms. You can say Forex is categorised as a "" SAFE INVESTMENT "" in comparison to what Crypto offers.
You can reach out to Marketing companies and Networks who are specialized in Forex Crypto Lead Generation and Client Acquisition.

The best way to get leads and FTDs is to work with specialists. We Forex Crypto Leads are over 13 years old company (at the time of writing this article) and have been running over hundreds of forex and crypto ads.
We have been able to generate millions every month for our respected partners.
Our funnel list is long and have funnels like Amazon / Tesla / IE / Bitcoin / Oil etc.
Marketing companies will cost you less if you consider generating leads by yourself.
How is that ?
Because FCL Marketing have all the tools and experience to get you the best and the highest quality of leads.
When you start generating yourself, you have to spend hundreds of hours learning the process first.
Then, generate landing pages.
Make creatives.
Learn APIs.
And the list goes on. After a year you will end up spending more money and times then generating money.
So, let the experts do the job.
We will help you with your business growth and can assure that you will get the highest ROI for your company.
Connect us to know more, you can start a conversation in LiveChat or drop an email at: